Well fitting socks? It's all in the toes.


Our sock class members are racing towards the finish line this week with the classes about making the toe loaded up - don't worry if you would like to join us still there are plenty of people working at every stage and the classes will all remain yours forever (or if accessed through hub membership as long as you are a member)

The socks we are making are cuff down with a traditional heel flap so the toe is the last section. I always think its very satisfying to end on a section that decreases making each round quicker and quicker. My favourite designs often end like this.

One thing I don't think I have talked about anywhere before is how crucial the toe is to getting the fit right. Starting at the right point on the foot to create the right length so the sock has to stretch a little in wear will make the sock hug your foot pleasingly.

Toes shapes are probably the point of widest variation in different people's feet that will affect the fit (with the possible exception of instep height) so while I provide a set of instructions for decreasing the toe which will fit most feet, you can see that this is an area where you may find a little experimentation in decrease pattern will make for a sock that is supremely comfortable. Luckily a toe doesn't take very long to make and as the sock is finished as soon as the toe is complete you can try it on, see what you like and don't like and easily pull back a few rounds to adjust as needed. Don't forget to note down what you learnt so you can recreate it for the whole sock drawer!

Happy making


PS don't fancy the class but feeling inspired to make some perfect fitting socks? You can find all my sock patterns here.

The Crochet Project

Join our community for beautiful, modern crochet designs, easy-to-follow patterns, and super-helpful tutorials. See you there! - Sarah

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